Saturday, December 20, 2008

tragedy of rawalpindi cantt

The tragedy of rawalpindi cantt gave a new challenge for admistration of rwp .more than 20 hours have been passed but admistration could not overcome the fire.The half portion of gakkhar plaza is collapse.Many rescue people are under the collapse building.The armed forces and rescue teams are carring out this operation.According to GOVT 6 people are killed and 50 people INJUREDin this incident.NOW the half building may be collasped.The gakkar plaza was the heart of islamabad and rwp commerical area.This plaza was 6 floor building with 625 shops.AFTER meritt hotel this tragedy is a very big question mark on the fire bergides and admistrative institution that now after 61 years of creation of PAKISTAN what have DONE? We have no equipment to over come fire .and could take away the debris of collapse building.THERE was no cutter to cut the iron rod of building.THIS TYPE OF TRAGEDIC INCIDENT are LEMHA E FIQERIA for our new democratic govt. Thae YET now WE HAVE NO LATEST EQuipment and technology to rescue the precious lives.................................................................................REPORT S.RAHAT KAMI.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Introduction to rahat Kazmi

Syed Rahat Kazmi is a working jounalist since 2000.